New Year Jump Start (or why I ditched resolutions)

Well hello 2024! How the heck are you? I need you to come in here, sit down, and don’t go crazy. Ok? But with the start of a new year, comes the traditional idea to create a list of resolutions. If I am being totally honest, I’m not a fan of resolutions and it comes strictly out of my inability over the past few years to keep them. And I would assume that most people are in the same boat as I am.

But with each new year, we become optimistic for what is ahead and plan on creating and most importantly, keeping our resolutions. So knowing my past failure rate, this year, I decided to do something different. I was curious if there were a way that I could look at the upcoming first half of the year and set realistic, actionable steps that could lead me to my goal. Hence my idea of a 2024 Jump Start!

I want you to think of the first part of the year, rather than the whole 365 days, and break it into quarters. So with this jump start, we are only going to focus on the first 3 months. The idea is to create goals with actionable steps, that you can do at any point at the start of the year, or those 3 months. Think of it this way: your car battery dies and you need someone to jump it off, in order to get your car up and running. Once jumped off, is your battery good for another 6 or even 12 months? No. It is just good enough to get you to the point where you can get a new battery and thus you are given more time with a car battery that is now new and runs well.

The same idea applies with a new year Jump Start. We are going to get ourselves set up for success in the first 3 months, with the idea of our big goal in mind. Then we are going to take small steps, little by little, to accomplish said goal. So let’s use starting a business for example. You have the desire to become your own boss and start your own business. There are about a million things you need to do, but you want to be up and running, like NOW!

Ok first, breathe. Next, for the first month we would focus on research. What do you know about the industry in which your business would be in? Who are your competitors? What is your core mission/brand? All of these things we would do at the same time as getting our LLC, setting up our social media, etc. We are laying the foundation for success with actionable goals. Rather than thinking “I have so much to do and so little time!” we will instead break that time up in chunks.

Also, it helps to have someone on your side to assist you in the planning process. And I’m not talking about a spouse or parent, I mean a mentor or a coach or consultant. Someone who in this case, would have the business acumen to best assist you. This is also a great time to lay out the plans for your jump start by writing them down. I find that journaling my goals, helps me see them more clearly and writing them down, makes me feel like they are closer to fruition. If you need help in this department, I have a cool digital planner that is great for journaling and manifestation. You can find it in my Etsy shop at the below link:

Finally, I want you to show yourself a little grace. The jump start is a means to get you started on accomplishing your goals. Yes, there will be hurdles and hiccups. And sometimes life be lifin! That’s ok. Just as your battery may sometimes need to be jumped off a few times on the way to get a new one, you are allowed to restart as often as you need to, in order to get to your final goal. Remember, nothing worth having happens over night. So let’s focus on a positive jump start to 2024 and remember that your goals can be accomplished with clear vision, positivity and good planning.


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