Cheers to 2021!

If you’re like me, you spent 2021 thinking “Uhhh, so that was cute.” And not in a good way. But you also thought that for a moment, at least it wasn’t 2020. It is sad commentary that we have to look at life through COVID tinted lenses, but here we are. So what do you do for 2022, and how can you find your own silver lining?

If you are like me, you are not a fan of resolutions. To be honest, I am not sure if I ever kept one in my life. Which is why I just say “Screw It.” But I saw something recently that did get me a bit excited and perhaps may inspire you. First, write down 5 good things you accomplished this past year. And I don’t mean, you got to try that new restaurant. Things that made you happy/proud. Then think back on those five things. How did you get there? How did you feel when it was done? How did others feel if it was something noticeable?

Then write down 5 things for 2022. Something to accomplish in one week, one month, one season, one year and that big dream goal. You know, the one you keep saying you will do one day. The one week goal can be something that you can do and accomplish at any week of the year. The same goes for your one month and one season. Don’t feel like all of your eggs need to be in your January basket. Because if you are like me, shedding off holiday food and booze is priority one for the New Year.

Next, put your goals in a place that you will see often but not get overwhelmed by. If you are able to make it a background on your phone, great. And then celebrate when you accomplish that goal. And I mean celebrate. Whether you take yourself out to dinner or get your nails done, sleep in an hour late or just cry alone in a closet out of happiness, truly recognize what you accomplished and be proud of your hard work.

One of the things I did learn this year, is that I need to start being proud of my own accomplishments rather than others being proud for me. My friends and family saw the work pay off, but no one knew the behind the scenes. The countless no’s. The articles that didn’t work or the clients I wanted to work with but never did. But those small victories, I did praise like they were big ones. Because it was a goal I had and I made it come true.

So for 2022, challenge yourself to praise the little with the large. Set achievable goals. And if by the end of the year you have met them, shout it from the roof tops! But, if you did not, do NOT beat yourself over it. Look at what you did accomplish. Look at how close you were. Maybe your goal somehow turned into another that you never planned on achieving. Either way, you woke up, started a new day and didn’t give up. Phew, that’s about as meta as I can get. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s almost Brunch O’clock and I’m sure there is a Mimosa that needs my undivided attention.

Cheers to you all and Happy New Year!

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